StorEdge is no longer mobile phone compatible with android
Unconfirmed, Registered User ✭
So 2-3 months ago Storedge stopped letting me do data input in several fields, especially payment related field, on my Google Pixel 6a mobile phone. I haven't been able to take payments, onboard a new client, or serve a current client from my phone since. 90% of my business is ran off of my phone thru StorEdge. I've been told this is now a known problem and their official policy is they're NOT fixing it and StorEdge is not guaranteed to be mobile compatible. I'm furious and contemplating what to do. Anyone else having this issue?
cwhiterealtor said uno online:So 2-3 months ago Storedge stopped letting me do data input in several fields, especially payment related field, on my Google Pixel 6a mobile phone. I haven't been able to take payments, onboard a new client, or serve a current client from my phone since. 90% of my business is ran off of my phone thru StorEdge. I've been told this is now a known problem and their official policy is they're NOT fixing it and StorEdge is not guaranteed to be mobile compatible. I'm furious and contemplating what to do. Anyone else having this issue?0
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