Setting up multiple locations for online rentals on one website, any suggestions?
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I have three locations, but one website. I assume this is a very common situation, but want to add online rentals for all of my locations so they can be booked online via E-sign/sitelink. What's the easiest and most straight forward way so my tenants don't get confused about where they're booking the unit? thanks
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themage Registered User, Daily Operations Certified, Advanced Operations Certified, Administrator Certified, myHub Certified ✭✭✭✭✭Number the units in such a way that each location has it's own identifiers. I believe you can also specify the location in the unit description to be shown when someone clicks on a unit.
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You should be able to do that thru sitelink without too much trouble. I have three locations within a few miles of one another and each one has a different name, but we have not had any difficulty with tenants choosing the wrong location. Check out if you like...0
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