Viewing accounts of past tenants

The good news is, this is easy to do. If you go to Adjustments > Moved Out Accounts, you can view all your past tenants. This is independent of whether or not the unit has been deleted.
teamcapitola Registered User, Daily Operations Certified, Advanced Operations Certified, Administrator Certified, myHub Certified ✭✭✭✭✭
You can also apply payments on/to old accounts if they have a balance due (such as a move out leaving a balance). We also pull up vacated accounts if they come buy merchandise just to keep track of sales, rather than using the walk-in POS.
Another method we use to see moved out accounts is from the main Operations-payments screen. Click on the "show only current tenants" checkbox and you can search both current and past tenants with moved out tenants showing in orange text.
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mareine Registered User, Daily Operations Certified, Advanced Operations Certified, Administrator Certified ✭Totally great tip there! I learn something new today! Thank you so much Sue_Community & teamcapitola1
Awesome tip. So is there a shortcut to find tenants who would be 'undesirable' to rent to again, say, had balance owed or was auctioned?0
ESS Registered User, Daily Operations Certified, Advanced Operations Certified, Administrator Certified, myHub Certified ✭✭✭✭✭WorkHard said:Awesome tip. So is there a shortcut to find tenants who would be 'undesirable' to rent to again, say, had balance owed or was auctioned?2
if you are like me and cannot view past tenants in that screen that @ESS mentioned I always also put it in the top of their notes before I move them out DO NOT RENT AGAIN. I can only see past due tenants balance which is clue #1 not to rent to them but if people pay their balance owed we allow them to come back. If they were a problem tenant that is the only way I would know through notes. I have no idea why my access to past tenants has been restricted but it is super annoying to not be able to see that screen8
Thank you for the tips.0
teamcapitola Registered User, Daily Operations Certified, Advanced Operations Certified, Administrator Certified, myHub Certified ✭✭✭✭✭
Sitelink doesn't have a "undesirable" checkbox, so you have to come up with a method or procedure to catch the bad apples.
Our facility also has a separate simple Excel sheet on our soon as we get a name we do a quick "Ctrl + F " to search for names.. Over 11 years we have quite the list of "do not rent" or "flagged" names and this makes it easy to do a "Oh Hello Mr. X , how will you be paying that $300 owed on your last unit?"
We share names along with details between facilities too... "Hello Mr.Y, I saw that you were evicted from (facility x) for sleeping in your unit"
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THAT is Awesome!!!Looks like I'll be playing in Excel this week. Thanks for the idea. ; }0
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