Has anyone found a good weed Killer?
Registered User ✭✭
In this 100 humid weather the weeds are being very invasive, they seem to be immune to Round-up and most over the counter weed controllers. My sidewalk could be a garden.
skinman Registered User, Daily Operations Certified, Advanced Operations Certified, Administrator Certified, myHub Certified ✭✭✭✭✭I used a product called buccaneer plus. It worked for several months... just don't get it near ornamental bushes or your grass. The school system here uses it for their fenceline....2
i43storage Registered User, Daily Operations Certified, Advanced Operations Certified, Administrator Certified, myHub Certified ✭✭✭✭✭Immune to Round-Up? Wow - what kind of weeds you growin'?Jean Marie
I-43 Storage1 -
Hi @weedpuller1, I'm going to weigh in here cause I've had a lot of luck with plain old white vinegar. The only problem is it sometimes takes a good amount of vinegar poured right on them so it soaks in (can't just spray them). I usually get the large gallons of it, fairly cheap. Good luck! And post some pics if you have any success
Check out this related thread too: Weed spray...and other killing studies2 -
Krista_Knudsen Registered User, Daily Operations Certified, Advanced Operations Certified, Administrator Certified ✭✭I'd agree with @Sue_Community ! We have tons of luck with vinegar and it's not too hard to find in bulk. Kills them overnight.0
Thank you so much everyone, I will try the vinegar 1st, and the buccaneer between the isles.1
Orkocean Registered User, Daily Operations Certified, Advanced Operations Certified, Administrator Certified, myHub Certified ✭✭✭✭✭Never heard of the buccaneer, may try that If my usual vinegar treatment doesn't do the job. I'm a concrete jungle, and I wanna be a concrete wasteland lol3
We live in the desert so we do not have much grass but our WEEDS are something else. I use good old Round Up for the top WEEDS. Then during Monsoon season I till my yard with Maze Grass & Weed Preventer. Both you can by at any local hardware store. Every time I till the my yard with this I get less & less weeds each season.0
weed killers do not work if the temp is above 86*
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Christa_Gray Registered User, Daily Operations Certified, Advanced Operations Certified, Administrator Certified, myHub Certified ✭✭✭1 part rock salt (I just use some of the salt left over from salting our sidewalks over the winter), 4 parts vinegar, and 1 tablespoon dish soap (I prefer blue dawn as it's non-toxic).
Mix and spray, and the weeds will be gone the next day.
The vinegar kills the top and helps the salt get down in the root. The soap helps keep a residual build up and helps keep some of the salt and vinegar on the tops of the weed leaves so they will "burn".
Best non-chemical way to kill weeds that I have found.
Oh and it works in temps over 86 degrees.2 -
I am going to try the vinegar salt and soap, we got a batch of the same stuff they use to kill brush on the highways, it works, somewhat but takes 3 days. I pulled a weed on one of the isles and the root broke the cement, i was so shocked, I scooted the broken pieces of cement in the hole and have been watching for cave in's. LOL, i don't believe any thing has been maintained here in years. We have been here 4 months now, we are finally starting to see a difference. thank you everyone1
I use straight bleach first thing in the morning. However, I only used it on the asphalt or concrete. I use a spray bottle. The morning is the best due to the sun will bake it.0
It took me about two weeks of bloody fingers and realize I was using profitable time to clear my lot by hand. So I begged, and received a change in protocol from ownership. I am now using a product I bought from an Ag Dealer. (farmers have to deal with weeds for livelihood, I trust them). I found a product called ProDuece.
1) it is a fairly quick burndown, about 2-3 days.
2) it is a sterilant, so stuff won't grow back, where applied (for about a year or so). (I am applying all over my pavement cracks, up against buildings, etc...as I see stuff pop up. I am also using it on our xeriscaped rock garden (I'm in the desert). All of this is with great success.
3) It also has the benefit of having a yellow dye in it that helps you see where you have sprayed. Dye wears off in sun in about 4-5 days, in rain almost immediately.
4) It is a concentrate 6 oz per gallon. I am over-spraying cause weeds really piss me off. i think it goes back to my childhood and having to pull dandelions by hand 8 mos a year! But even with that, I have gotten about 8 or nine applications on my 350 unit facility (and Rock Garden) so far. Still have enough chem for 2 or 3 more. That is from a half gallon container.
5) it ain't cheap but it is worth it. $83 for the half gallon size, i think it was 120-130 for full gallon, just didn't have the petty cash on hand to do that. Much cheaper than the premixed stuff overall and I couldn't be happier. More importantly, ownership is happy. Lot looks great. (when I took over facility, it was rough.2 -
I found RM-43 to be a great herbicide for the South Louisiana climate, it not only kills the present vegetation its sprayed on, its also a ground sterilant that keeps the ground pretty much bare for close to a year.0
I had this weed by my car that the gardener's never pulled, the previous manager for some unknown reason had bought a ton of 409, so I took the 409 and used it. The weed is gone and has never tried to come back. I showed it who was boss.3
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