Locking out at Gate on Move In
Registered User ✭✭✭
I have talked to support about this. And I have researched everything my two assistants have done on the move ins. As well as try to look at video and zoom in on monitor. Has happened about 6 times in the last year. From what I can tell if you are looking at the Ledger page and accidentally click in any area near Lock Out at Gate (or other boxes) it fills in the box. The kicker for me was a phone call last night at 8PM New Years Eve when I was 5 hours from home and the new tenant couldn't get in the gate. There needs to be a way to disable this or a huge warning that pops up and says you are denying access at the gate. Can I limit this action for assistants?
Orkocean Registered User, Daily Operations Certified, Advanced Operations Certified, Administrator Certified, myHub Certified ✭✭✭✭✭As far as disabling it off the top of my head I can't think of any. I gotta say though in 8 years i've never seen it happen. Sounds like some assistants that need to start double checking what they do before processing. Anyone I have ever trained one of my golden rules is spend the 5 seconds to look over what you're doing before finalizing anything. On a side note for when you are hours away you could log in with another PC and undo the setting.-1
I was able to do it on my phone with myHub. Do me a favor and go to Ledger settings and click "outside" of a box. In the white space and see what happens. Thanks
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Orkocean Registered User, Daily Operations Certified, Advanced Operations Certified, Administrator Certified, myHub Certified ✭✭✭✭✭Yeah all check boxes are that way in the screen it seems as I just played around in it. Seems like it would be an easy fix if they just corrected the programming so it stops the clickable area at the box and not the entire line it's on. That should just be a quick fix they could include in the next update I would think and hope.1
skinman Registered User, Daily Operations Certified, Advanced Operations Certified, Administrator Certified, myHub Certified ✭✭✭✭✭if you click just to the right within the white area under gate in ledger settings it will check it. Not just anywhere in the white area. Disabling if even possible is probably not a good idea if a problem arises and you need to lock someone out of the gate immediately. While I get your point Julie, unless they are changing the time zone/Keypad/ settings during move ins I'm not sure why they are inadvertently hitting this. I agree you should literally have to actually check the box in order to make this change, but also tend to agree with Ork that attention to detail is lacking if this happens anywhere near regularly.1
Sitelink support said it is only my computer that does this. Not theirs! The only thing I can figure it my assistants are "dragging the cursor" around with the mouse and accidentally click! They have been warned to double check the "work" and check gate. BUT!0
JulieA said:Sitelink support said it is only my computer that does this. Not theirs! The only thing I can figure it my assistants are "dragging the cursor" around with the mouse and accidentally click! They have been warned to double check the "work" and check gate. BUT!2
Hopefully support reads this forum!
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Orkocean Registered User, Daily Operations Certified, Advanced Operations Certified, Administrator Certified, myHub Certified ✭✭✭✭✭@JulieA not sure who watches it now that Sue left.. Havn't seen but a handful of posts from the new community people and don't see a monthly poll put up yet. Usually that's done before the month even begins.0
Sue left? Oh NO
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Orkocean Registered User, Daily Operations Certified, Advanced Operations Certified, Administrator Certified, myHub Certified ✭✭✭✭✭Yeah she did a post telling us all she was leaving and introducing the 2 new community members taking over for her.0
Orkocean said:@JulieA not sure who watches it now that Sue left.. Havn't seen but a handful of posts from the new community people and don't see a monthly poll put up yet. Usually that's done before the month even begins.1
Hi guys! I chatted with SiteLink Support about this issue and this is what we came up with:
What's happening is that the selection area extends the length of the line for each setting. This is done to make it easier for you to change settings without needing to be so precise that you have to click directly in the radio button or check box.
Looking at the image below, clicking anywhere in the highlighted areas for any of our check boxes or radio buttons will enable that setting. This is fairly common practice, for example Google Chrome does this as well. There is currently no way to disable access to the gate lockout setting.
So, if you're having issues with accidentally selecting the "Lock Out at Gate" settings, you can avoid dragging the mouse over the highlighted areas in the "Gate" column by going around it.
Sorry that I don't have a more simple solution, forum friends! But hopefully this explains the reason for the accidental clicks.
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That might have been a handy thing to let us know during a video training.1
Thanks Jana. Could they create a pop up warning that Tenant is being locked out at gate?
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