Came across this op-ed on stamp collecting: Stamped out in the internet age
Anyone seen a stamp collection in a unit lately? There doesn't seem to be much interest in hobbies like this anymore...
Thoughts on Stamp Collecting

Daily Operations Certified, Advanced Operations Certified, Administrator Certified ✭✭✭✭✭
Sad that is has disappeared. It has been more than a few years since we have had a unit sell with a stamp collection.1
Twinkle Registered User, Daily Operations Certified, Advanced Operations Certified, Administrator Certified ✭✭I like snail mail. I still have three volumes of stamps form my mom. I know that the value of my stamps in cash dollars is next to nil, but the stories they tell are priceless. The tell of countries that are no longer there. They tell of artist and global events. They show a piece of humanity that is missing. My mother started her collecting when she had appendix removed. When the post office ran the commentary pony express letters. She wrote my sister and I both letters. For graduation gifts for high school I give personalized stamps so those seniors can mail their thank you notes. Yes the internet can reach out and touch someone in the here and now. Stamps and letters can reach and touch some one from the past to the present.4
I have a huge stamp collection I have been collecting since the 3rd grade. I was in the Ben Franklin stamp club and I was so proud of it. I saved them all 3000 or so in hopes that my kids might show interest.......NOPE! If my son sees them the first thing he says is "Are they worth money". If that's the first thing you think of then your no stamp collector. So what do I do with them??0
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