Why is the collections screen so inadequate to complete the job?
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Of all the areas the collections is the worst as far as accessing the tools i need to complete the tasks needed to collect. for example.....i can't do an overlock or lock out of gate because no ledger settings....many times i have to do that manually so i have to go back put to payment screen...also no tasks or letters...available from here. and why doesnt the collections notes date ever work. an account will say last notes dec 25 2012 an i have put in several collection notes...when you mark the follow up box in collections screen ....doesnt notify anyone...
If you go into collection calls, you can edit any tenants info by clicking on edit. Then click on payments and that takes you into the payment screen and you can edit ledger settings. You can also click on letters and send any letter you want. Maybe I am misunderstanding your question.1
ESS Registered User, Daily Operations Certified, Advanced Operations Certified, Administrator Certified, myHub Certified ✭✭✭✭✭You are correct in the sense that that particular screen is a tad bit inadequate. However, from that screen, you can access everything by clicking on one of the options mentioned by @Goodteam. I also never understood why the "Last Note" date is not always correct. If by "follow up" box you're referring to the "Reminder" box, make sure you are clicking and choosing a date and which employee or all to send the reminder to. The reminder will pop up on that date in your calendar (make sure to click the arrow pointing to the left on the section on right "daily calendar" so you will be able to see the reminders for that day. Hope some of that helped!1
Orkocean Registered User, Daily Operations Certified, Advanced Operations Certified, Administrator Certified, myHub Certified ✭✭✭✭✭What I would love to see is the "red note" section of the payment screen populate into the collection note screen. We put important notes that should be paid attention to whenever dealing with the customer on that line so you don't have to dig through regular notes or keep repeating it over and over to keep it at the top.7
MamaDuke7 Registered User, Daily Operations Certified, Advanced Operations Certified, Administrator Certified, myHub Certified ✭✭✭✭✭Orkocean said:What I would love to see is the "red note" section of the payment screen populate into the collection note screen. We put important notes that should be paid attention to whenever dealing with the customer on that line so you don't have to dig through regular notes or keep repeating it over and over to keep it at the top.4
I would like certain notes to be on the payment screen. Many times my assistants don't click to read the notes when processing a payment. I also agree with certain notes being RED and pinned to the top. I also feel there is a lot of needless redundant info generated to notes that clutters up the entire screen. And some other info I wish was in notes or at least a log or report.
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