How often does it get done?
Registered User ✭✭✭✭
I'm curious how often vacuuming, mopping, dusting, cleaning the bathroom, etc get done in your office? What is your policy?
I am a low volume store. Bathroom gets cleaned daily. Dusting and mopping are done as needed, but a bare minimum of twice a week. As well a cleaning the doors, windows and sweeping the sidewalks.1
ESS Registered User, Daily Operations Certified, Advanced Operations Certified, Administrator Certified, myHub Certified ✭✭✭✭✭Needs to be done at least once a week and as needed in between weeks. We have a task sheet in the back office with everything listed that needs to be done weekly and monthly0
i43storage Registered User, Daily Operations Certified, Advanced Operations Certified, Administrator Certified, myHub Certified ✭✭✭✭✭I have a desk and a chair in my office with a concrete floor. No bathroom. Easy living. However, my Mother always taught me to dust, scrub, and wash the sheets every Saturday morning.
Jean Marie
I-43 Storage3 -
Well at the facility I work at now we Vacuum every saturday, Mop elevators wed and Saturday, Check or clean bathrooms daily and dust when we see fit to do so, we also dust mop at least 1 hallway a day.1
Everything is done weekly in my office, with the exception of the bathroom. That puppy gets walked every day!1
every single day
and then mop on Sundays
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I agree with all of the others! My office partner and I keep a running Comm Log to let each other know who did what plus our daily check list which is on the same sheet as our cash till count. Right now our office is brand new and little traffic so cleaning is easy. As soon as they release more units it will start getting busy in here and out in the unit bldgs.0
themage Registered User, Daily Operations Certified, Advanced Operations Certified, Administrator Certified, myHub Certified ✭✭✭✭✭Our office and restroom are pretty newly remodeled, but even with the old ones restroom gets full cleaning daily and neatened up as necessary (about 3 times a day). The office gets dusted and swept daily and a full cleaning / disinfection at least twice a week. Windows (and cameras) get cleaned as needed, but usually ends up being every 2 weeks.
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teamcapitola Registered User, Daily Operations Certified, Advanced Operations Certified, Administrator Certified, myHub Certified ✭✭✭✭✭
The restrooms are cleaned/mopped daily. Office dusted daily & mopped as needed.
Our facility is like painting the Golden Gate Bridge...Start at one end, and by the time you finish you're ready to start over again!
We spot sweep daily, but try to deep clean at least one row a day. (dusting doors, cleaning rub marks, vacuuming etc..) but the customer comes first, so everything depends on traffic.
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An hour before the office closes, our maintenance person checks both bathrooms and cleans them, that way it's clean when we open the next day. My husband has a weekly chore chart for staff and he fills it out on what each person is supposed to be working on each day. (He always has me down for mopping the office on Sundays!)0
Daily Cleaning ie windows, counters, floors, bathroom with a lot of dusting in between. Office gets mopped every Sunday. Buildings get swept weekly & mopped once a month. Our elevator gets cleaned daily.0
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