Enough is enough! I'm calling the cops if...

Daily Operations Certified, Advanced Operations Certified, Administrator Certified ✭✭✭✭✭
Irate customers, illegal activities...when is it time to call the police?
Orkocean Registered User, Daily Operations Certified, Advanced Operations Certified, Administrator Certified, myHub Certified ✭✭✭✭✭My policy is we can "discuss" whatever the issue is like adults all day long off to the side away from other customers. If you are loud, threatening, or can't conduct yourself with proper language you are asked to leave my office, if you refuse or become physically threatening then I simply let them know if they don't want to leave the cops will be happy to assist them out.
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I bet even mentioning calling the cops stops them in their tracks!1
Orkocean Registered User, Daily Operations Certified, Advanced Operations Certified, Administrator Certified, myHub Certified ✭✭✭✭✭
Mostly.. some people just don't have a clue now a days... One a couple of weeks ago called the cops herself because we wouldn't allow her access to the property to get to some ones vehicle she had no part of, the cops enjoyed telling her to pretty much move on.
I did have one in Nashville the cop threat did nothing to, after getting him to finally tell us what the unit in question was after being called every name in the book we found out it was his mothers account. He wasn't scared of me calling the cops, getting his mom on the phone though... That shut him up!
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Hey Orkocean, I really like your strategy. Never underestimate the power of a mom2
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