Our sales team gets this question from customers, so I thought I'd ask for everyone's input...
"Is a website overhaul a good place to put advertising dollars? Did the added expense paid off in more rentals?"
Add your comments about this important topic...
Website overhaul—is it worth the investment?

Daily Operations Certified, Advanced Operations Certified, Administrator Certified ✭✭✭✭✭
More people are looking at the website than the yellow pages ad. It does need to be a priority.0
Our industry is evolving like crazy! I've heard so many stories from owners/operators who shifted their marketing/advertising budget to a digital/website focus to keep up with their customer's purchasing behavior.One such story is from Lee Fredrick of Grow Your Storage:When talking about websites and online renting he says, “The important component is it brings in a different type of customer, people who are technologically savvy”. The majority of self storage users are now looking to search engines to find storage, then expect a website to easily interact with regardless of the device they're on.
Being found when & where your users are looking has a huge effect on rentals and bottom line.2
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