How to make SMS visible in forms?
I'm going to be using SelfStorageSMS. I have finished setting everything up and waiting for our number to receive carrier approval. IDs are posted in the SMS setup and verified. I'm trying to make the SMS appear in Company > Forms. It is not.
date/time selection prior to sending Lien Notice (eSign)
When sending our lien notice thru forms via eSign; It prompts me to select the auction date and time, in addition to the payment due date. Is there somehow I can add this feature on one of my other forms like a Settlement Agreement? If we have an out of state tenant who wants to do a settlement, I would like to input all…
How to Void e-sign document?
We have tenants' eSign credit card authorizations and when they change credit cards I do not know how to void the previous design authorization so I can send the tenant a new authorization to design. The reason I want to void the old e-sign credit card authorization is that if it is not removed or voided Sitelink will only…
Military customers
Is there a report showing all military customers??
Best tablet for edocs and myhub?
If you use edocs with a tablet do you have any recommendations for which tablet we should use?
Multi-Unit Rental Rate Increase Notice
I would like to create a form similar to the OOTB Rental Rate Increase Notice except I would like it to be the total for the tenant (including all units) to provide my customers with an overall impact. I have been unable to find any form that reports multiple units in a single form.
Attaching Unpaid Invoice To Form Letter
I'm trying to figure out how (if possible) to have sitelink attach any outstanding invoices within a form letter. Example; sending a "Past due notice" it would be nice if the form automatically included any unpaid invoices
Form Setup Question
Is there any way to customize the prompt text for the field <Date.InsertPrompt>? Sitelink only says "Select a date" but I would like to customize that text. Any way to do that?
Form Setup Problems
Is there any way to not have a blank line gap between unused fields in a form? For example: <Tenant.Name> <Tenant.CompName> <Tenant.StreetAddress1> <Tenant.StreetAddress2> <Tenant.City>, <Tenant.Region> <Tenant.PostalCode> If there is no company name, then there is a blank gap (looks unprofessional). If there is no second…
Payment Receipts Problem
Not sure what happened or when, but the payment receipts are incorrect. I have not modified the original form, but the fields in the <Receipt.ItemsTable> are wrong. The two fields "Charge" and "Total" are exactly the same, when they should be "Charge" and "Balance"(or something similar, not sure of the exact field name).…
Form Setup Keywords
There is a keyword called Tenant.CreditCardNumber which shows the autobill credit card number, but is there any keyword that would show an autobill ACH number?
HELP on making a new form
I'm wanting to add the units regular rate to a letter/form in sitelink...i'm needing the proper wording for between < > symbols...does anyone know the proper link?
Auction Process in Sitelink - Taking Past Due Schedule to Fruition.
I am having a few issues. Sitelink Support has not been able to answer these questions - mostly because I don't think they understood what I was getting at. * I am trying to figure out the auction process. I watched one training video, since I cant find any others and there is no search function in the Forum for just the…
How do you attach a form/brochure to predefined e-mail?
Our company recently started to require proof of property protection to all of our units. We have a predefined letter that state their Home Owner/Renters insurance declaration page is about to expire. We are suppose to attach a Property Protection brochure with the e-mail, but for the life of me I cannot figure this out.
Making a Form SMS Available
I noticed that some forms in SiteLink are available to use with SMS and others are not. What is the deciding factor on which forms can be used with the SMS system and which are not available?
Form Setup / Formatting question
I wanted to add our Sales Policy to the bottom of our printed/emailed Sitelink receipts; I added the text to the existing receipt form in Setup. My problem is I don't know how to keep the text "pinned" to the bottom of the page. I can get it close, but it still prints around 3 inches up from the bottom; if I space it all…
Form Category
How do you change the category that a letter or form is in? My rental increase letter is under the collections category so when I email it to someone the verbiage is in correct.
Form Options
Good afternoon! Could SiteLink consider creating a receipt compatible with our Epson receipt printer? We've been able to minimize the amount of paper we use and it's more economical for us to print a smaller receipt, but with the current form receipt configuration it leaves off details of the receipt. If anyone has figured…
Mass Email
Is there an easy way to send an email to all customers? We have made a ton of security upgrades and I would like to let everyone know what we have done.