Transfer Payment after Daily Close

Registered User, myHub Certified ✭✭✭
Can Adjustments / Ledger Adjustments be used to transfer a payment to another unit after a Daily Close?
MegumiM Registered User, Daily Operations Certified, Advanced Operations Certified, Administrator Certified ✭✭✭I don't think you can. I had someone with multiple units pay online but her payment only applied to one unit. The Daily Close had already been done and it wouldn't let me do anything. I had to reverse the payment as NSF without applying the fee and then had to re-apply the payment correctly.0
How do I enter a missed payment with earlier date?0
Transferring a payment from one unit to another is easy. But breaking up a payment for 3 units that was applied to only one isn't so straightforward. Transfer payment only lets you transfer the entire payment to another unit, not part of it. I think the only way to do this cleanly is using the NSF function.
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