Auction Ad Publisher Needed Long Beach CA
Do you mean besides the newspaper? The newspaper industry conned one of your local representatives when they tried to changed the law so he fought against us using other sources.
(a) After the expiration of the time given in the notice of lien sale, pursuant to subdivision (b) of Section 21705, or following the failure of a claimant to pay rent or obtain a court order pursuant to Section 21709, an advertisement of the sale shall be published once a week for two weeks consecutively in a newspaper of general circulation published in the public notice district where the sale is to be held. The advertisement shall include a general description of the goods, the name of the person on whose account they are being stored, and the name and location of the storage facility.
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Hi Joe,
Our customers who run online auctions typically work with a local newspaper directly. Some of the online auction vendors have features that will create the ad automatically (Lockerfox does), and it just needs to be placed in the paper by the facility. Not sure what you mean by a company to publish, perhaps you could explain more?0
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