How to take a pre-payment for customer before move-in
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How do you do a credit card pre-payment for a customer who has a reservation but is not moving in yet?
Orkocean Registered User, Daily Operations Certified, Advanced Operations Certified, Administrator Certified, myHub Certified ✭✭✭✭✭You could do a reservation amount for the entire amount that would be needed. Then once the move in occurs you could apply it towards the unit.3
I do not feel the full commitment is made until the potential tenant signs the self-storage contract, and it is at that point that I run their credit card for payment. I do not want to be in a position to have to back out the payment if the commitment is not firm.4
If I have an existing tenant, and I held a unit on reservation, in Leads to Lease, for a second unit and now I need to install the new move in, how can I be sure that his current unit is related with this new unit?1
skinman Registered User, Daily Operations Certified, Advanced Operations Certified, Administrator Certified, myHub Certified ✭✭✭✭✭If you entered their info using " look up existing" when you made the reservation and selected them... The accounts should be linked when you convert the reservation.3
@jcatt - Just in case someone is searching this info, as @skinman said - enter their name and search - when the list of customers with name comes up, choose the current customer, double click and always choose NO - this will create a new reservation with all the current customer's info populated automatically. It will add the new unit to their current account when they move in.
Sometimes when a current customer makes an online reservation which then is NOT linked to their current account, I have to go in and redo the whole thing so they link.
@cgothard - You can do a premove in by changing the move in date under Starts in the Move In window. Unfortunately, this is a set in stone thing. They will not be able to access the gate sooner than that if they change their mind. I guess you could let them in manually during office hours.
I agree with @jcatt in that it is risky and they could come back and say, "Nevermind" and want a refund. This would create undo work for us, so we try not to take money until the actual move in.0
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