Is there someplace you just have to see before it's too late? Could be a landmark, country, or a city—top of my list is New Zealand, I hear it's beautiful.
How about you?
What's on your travel bucket list?
Greece. I have always wanted to see Greece and Japan. (but Greece is at the top)1
I wouldn't mind checking out Great Britain and Ireland. Getting to see where my ancestors came from...would be cool.1
Me right now going through these in this pandemic time Wish all these circumstances changes to normal0
Japan and Scotland. Two of the craziest places on earth for different reasons. But, I mean, I'd love to see India, New Zealand and Africa too!0
The most coveted thing for traveling is a gold card with unlimited money. But I am not a fool and understand that this is impossible. After the map, my biggest wish is that the Germans themselves had figured out their subway system and made a normal map application because the most popular maps are completely inaccurate because of the frequent work in the tunnels. Once I had the bad luck of getting lost there, and if it were not for the guys from, I would not have been able to find my way to the motel where my friend and I were staying by myself. I was really scared at that point. If you've seen the German subway, you know what I'm talking about.
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On my bucket list is a trip with friends to the United States of America. It's going to happen in a month, so we've already booked a 12-seater car for our trip We've chosen a route and a list of stops where we'll admire the locations, cook outdoors, and relax together
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