Does SiteLink have a suspend or freeze acct/unit function?
Does SiteLink have a suspend or freeze acct/unit function? This would be useful for situations where you need to suspend the continuation of accruing added charges and fees without having to vacate the unit leaving the existing charges on the account and making sure the unit is not shown as available. For example, a disputed situation that goes to legal, initially in limbo until something is concluded, or in some instances of bankruptcy filings.
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Orkocean Registered User, Daily Operations Certified, Advanced Operations Certified, Administrator Certified, myHub Certified ✭✭✭✭✭
I've only had this type of situation come up from bankruptcy issues with tenants but when we get notified of the bankruptcy we would notify the tenant that this will be the last call from us regarding their unit. We would continue to let the fee's/charges accrue but we would not make collection attempts. Another course you could do if you need it to stay *in* the system but not accrue fee's would be go into the ledger settings of the tenant, make the rent and fee's for the tenant to be $0.00 so they're still an active rented unit in the system but would not accrue fee's.
Hello @Doc, there isn't a freeze account or freeze unit function in SiteLink at this time.
If the situation comes up frequently, maybe others in the community have a suggestion for a workaround.
Anyone run into this before? Tell us how you manage it!
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you can put $0.00 in the recurring charges, this should solve that problem.1
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