Fall Back this Weekend!
Daily Operations Certified, Advanced Operations Certified, Administrator Certified ✭✭✭✭✭
Don't forget to turn back all your clocks Saturday night!
Fall back is just the best, isn't it? An extra hour of sleep for no reason whatsoever
For a deep dive into why we still do this, read Daylight Saving Time 2017: A Guide to the When, Why, What and How from Live Science.
If you're curious if Daylight Savings Time affects your cat and/or dog, check out Are Pets Affected By Daylight Saving Time?
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Fall back is just the best, isn't it? An extra hour of sleep for no reason whatsoever
For a deep dive into why we still do this, read Daylight Saving Time 2017: A Guide to the When, Why, What and How from Live Science.
If you're curious if Daylight Savings Time affects your cat and/or dog, check out Are Pets Affected By Daylight Saving Time?
Feel free to comment!
Chuck_Vion SiteLink Employee, Daily Operations Certified, Advanced Operations Certified, Administrator Certified, myHub Certified marketplace moderatorPersonally, I wish we would stay on Daylight Savings Time year round!Chuck Vion
FineView Marketing | Chief Marketing Officer0 -
I enjoy it being so light in the morning....I don't get surprised by any wildlife on property!...Animals..not the humans! Humans surprised me all the time...lol0
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