Facebook advertising?
Registered User ✭
Has anyone had success advertising on facebook?
Google is the place to be! I have never had customer come into the office saying, " I found y'all on F/B."2
Orkocean Registered User, Daily Operations Certified, Advanced Operations Certified, Administrator Certified, myHub Certified ✭✭✭✭✭Get your reviews up so you stand out on google versus your competitors. Make use of free advertising such as craigslist. You can build a facebook page and following but in my experience that's used more for existing customers to notify of special events going on. For instance we do bi-monthly garage sales and the biggest source of people coming to rent units for the day to sale out of is our facebook posts to the community.3
websterb Registered User, Daily Operations Certified, Advanced Operations Certified, Administrator Certified ✭✭✭We advertise on Facebook, but haven't noticed a lot of rentals from it. We are on Yelp and Google and seem to have a lot more inquiries for those sites.
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MegumiM Registered User, Daily Operations Certified, Advanced Operations Certified, Administrator Certified ✭✭✭We use Facebook to advertise but not a lot of people come in saying they found us on Facebook. Most say they found us on Google or referred to us by a friend/family. Most of our customers who found us through Facebook are parents of college students. However these were not through our page but the university's parents page.0
We do get a few people from Facebook. Once in a while we will boost a post for $5 or $10 and we will get calls. We often share other businesses posts or events or make sure that they are included in our posts by mentioning them @theirbusinessname and then their followers see us. Or that is what I am told.0
Honestly, I have to say that Google is king. It's really the number one method customer's give for how they found us. I have yet to hear of anyone finding us through Facebook, though we do have a page.1
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