Snow Day
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Climateguard Registered User, Daily Operations Certified, Advanced Operations Certified, Administrator Certified ✭✭✭
I like Florida! Yesterday the temp was 65 and sunny!!!!!!2
60-65 is a good temperature!! I'm jealous! @ThriftyStorage0
@Climateguard....if you are getting snow, please, send some my way! Texas is unseasonably warm this year! If you aren't getting snow....I snow days and all of us get ready for Christmas calmly instead of the rush...LOL1
Orkocean Registered User, Daily Operations Certified, Advanced Operations Certified, Administrator Certified, myHub Certified ✭✭✭✭✭Oh it ain't that bad.. Look at all the snow Houston and College Station got last week. I'm just sad ours in Nacogdoches wasn't enough to stick to the ground
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skinman Registered User, Daily Operations Certified, Advanced Operations Certified, Administrator Certified, myHub Certified ✭✭✭✭✭I wish it would snow... there is no justifiable reason for it to be this cold with no snow on the ground!2
Bring on the Snow Days!
Farmer's Almanac says that here in the Southeast we should expect "below normal winter temperatures with an unseasonable chill reaching as far south as the Gulf Coast, with above-average precipitation."
But so far we're just getting lots of rain...
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Well, we got our Snow Day here in Raleigh! Anyone else?1
We had a decent sprinkling on Dec. 31st... after the ice moved in and set up camp! nothing measurable like the east coast! Golly O.o0
My car windows were frosty this morning.....does this mean I can take off rest of day?! FROST DAY!2
Ok, so here we are again with another possible SNOW DAY tomorrow!! Time to rush to the store...:) Anyone else?1
So far only about an inch here, but were expected to get about 6. I wish it was a SNOW DAY here!1
Another snow day here in Raleigh! Still looking icy on the roads and folks are staying home. Check it out:
I know 6 or 7 inches is nothing to folks up northbut we're pretty excited here...Enjoy it if you can!
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