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in Travel
Thinking of taking a couple of Vacations this year.
Was curious if anyone has visited these places or is from Either of these places and/or has recommendations
1. Canada
2. Florida
3. Maryland/DC
Was curious if anyone has visited these places or is from Either of these places and/or has recommendations
1. Canada
2. Florida
3. Maryland/DC
I figured somewhere sunny would be at the top...not in the middle! LOL
I haven't been to any of these places but am interested to see what other people have to say.1 -
Never been to Canada, but to about 43 of 48 contiguous. Nothing beats the Oregon Coast, but the mountains of Utah (Kamas/Heber/Park City) area close 2nd.0
@Pat, that's a lot of travelling! You could probably write a book I've heard many good things about the Oregon coastline.
@storagestation603, I can recommend Key West, FL, for a very relaxing beach vacation spot, it's really beautiful:)
Let us know what you choose.1 -
So it looks like because of Taxes...We will be having a Staycation! O.o0
Krista_Knudsen Registered User, Daily Operations Certified, Advanced Operations Certified, Administrator Certified ✭✭Go to Bali! I just got back from a 2-week trip. Cost half the price of going to Hawaii and it was a great experience going out of the country!2
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