Guess which US city is losing residents faster than any other? You may be surprised...
No it's not New York, although that's a solid guess since NY has the #2 spot
Believe it or not, it's San Francisco! Read all about this trend in migration in this article from Business Insider: "San Francisco is losing more residents than any other city in the US, creating a shortage of U-Hauls that puts a rental at $2,000 just to move to Las Vegas"
DeeL Registered User, Daily Operations Certified, Advanced Operations Certified, Administrator Certified ✭✭I believe it, I've gotten one rental tenant that's from Northern California, and I do not doubt they will be the one and only. Welcome to Mesa, Arizona, we have a few spaces left.1
teamcapitola Registered User, Daily Operations Certified, Advanced Operations Certified, Administrator Certified, myHub Certified ✭✭✭✭✭
I talk with the Uhaul rep here in Santa Cruz (bout an hour south from SF...right next to silicon valley)
Its been an ongoing problem; too many people are moving away. SO many in fact that corporate has to "bribe" customers to return trucks to this area... U-Haul's business model has always relied on customers moving the trucks for them; they don't have people to deliver/move trucks to where they are needed. The outflow from northern California is so one-sided they are having a real tough time getting trucks for rentals.
Storage is so tight in our town, that I rent 10x10's for $280/month....and have a 6 month wait list!
Considering that a 1 bedroom apartment rents for $2500 here....I don't blame them.
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DeeL Registered User, Daily Operations Certified, Advanced Operations Certified, Administrator Certified ✭✭I guess we are pretty lucky moving out of Los Angeles, when we did, but I do miss it, the way it use to be.1
Orkocean Registered User, Daily Operations Certified, Advanced Operations Certified, Administrator Certified, myHub Certified ✭✭✭✭✭teamcapitola said:
I talk with the Uhaul rep here in Santa Cruz (bout an hour south from SF...right next to silicon valley)
Its been an ongoing problem; too many people are moving away. SO many in fact that corporate has to "bribe" customers to return trucks to this area... U-Haul's business model has always relied on customers moving the trucks for them; they don't have people to deliver/move trucks to where they are needed. The outflow from northern California is so one-sided they are having a real tough time getting trucks for rentals.
Storage is so tight in our town, that I rent 10x10's for $280/month....and have a 6 month wait list!
Considering that a 1 bedroom apartment rents for $2500 here....I don't blame them.
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DeeL Registered User, Daily Operations Certified, Advanced Operations Certified, Administrator Certified ✭✭Good Thoughts, I will pass it on to the Owner.0
I'm not surprised. Leftist policies over decades have just destroyed those places. It's heartbreaking to see.
It's happening here on Vancouver Island too. The west coast has been referred to as the "left coast" for a long time, and even though we are comparatively smaller relative to the USA, we are seeing the same problems here now too, and people are moving away as quick as they can. Right now there are no u-haul trailers available and a record low of trucks.0
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