We require addresses, phone# ect... is there a way to defult and require Vehicle Lic plate numbers?

Registered User ✭✭
Recently we implemented a new policy (for the safety of our tenants) that if you did not enter the property in a 'vehicle' that you were unable to rent. This has helped keep the troubled "walk-in's" from renting. My question is, When renting a unit some fields are required fields that have to be filled in before advancing to the next step. Can we program to where a Vehicle's information is required as well before going onto the next field? Thank you in Advance
Best Answer
Hi @mrdbryan, only the fields in Tenant Contact information can be made required. Vehicle info is independent of that so it cannot.
There may be another way to resolve this for you...now that the question is out there, does anyone have thoughts on a workaround for this issue?
skinman Registered User, Daily Operations Certified, Advanced Operations Certified, Administrator Certified, myHub Certified ✭✭✭✭✭Other than adding an addendum to be filled out with your lease I have no other suggestions for you. We only utilize the vehicle tab in site link for paid parking, or storage of vehicles. What happens if they show up in a car, but walk in afterwards... ?1
Orkocean Registered User, Daily Operations Certified, Advanced Operations Certified, Administrator Certified, myHub Certified ✭✭✭✭✭I understand this policy is probably to deter homeless from renting and trying to live in units which i'm assuming you must of had pretty regularly to bring this type of policy into play but s someone who's ran facilities in some pretty high homeless occupied areas I wonder if your policy may cost you some legit customers? We had numerous customers who did not have vehicles and would walk in to access their units in my past who were solid customers who paid their bills on times without issues. I'd actually want to say in my years I've caught more people with vehicles trying to live in units than without or living in their vehicle parking it overnight after they thought no one was around to catch them. If it's a case of people trying to live in units i'm blunt with my tenants and tell them their is no living in the units or hanging around the property. Do regular lock checks and be mindful of what you're seeing/hearing go on at the property and you can squash that issue before it becomes major, especially if you're a live on facility.2
Jeffrey_Buller Registered User, Daily Operations Certified, Advanced Operations Certified, Administrator Certified ✭✭✭I have developed a low cost alarm that will work for interior buildings on most storage places. This has helped us with that situation greatly and costs much less than paying for after office hour patrols. If you would like to hear more Shoot me a message.0
Since I received my computer, I have gone thru move in process and get to payment screen. I go to the left of screen where the customer's address is showing and there above address is a vehicle tab. I click on that and it brings up license plate # and Vehicle description areas. I fill those areas out and then take payment. Hope this helps!2
Orkocean said:I understand this policy is probably to deter homeless from renting and trying to live in units which i'm assuming you must of had pretty regularly to bring this type of policy into play but s someone who's ran facilities in some pretty high homeless occupied areas I wonder if your policy may cost you some legit customers? We had numerous customers who did not have vehicles and would walk in to access their units in my past who were solid customers who paid their bills on times without issues. I'd actually want to say in my years I've caught more people with vehicles trying to live in units than without or living in their vehicle parking it overnight after they thought no one was around to catch them. If it's a case of people trying to live in units i'm blunt with my tenants and tell them their is no living in the units or hanging around the property. Do regular lock checks and be mindful of what you're seeing/hearing go on at the property and you can squash that issue before it becomes major, especially if you're a live on facility.
Other than the blatant decimation against people who do not drive, I wonder What they do if someone shows up to rent a unit with a 26ft U-Haul truck and no other car ?
The area I'm in has a good amount of homeless people. Some rent storage units at my location, As long as they play by the rules & are off the property when close the gate they are just like EVERY OTHER Customer.
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