Registered User ✭✭✭
It's me again Margaret. Newbie here. And I am noticing a fair number of people on my roles for which we have no email.
1) When i pull up the tenant list and sort by email, so that all of them are grouped together, is there any way to export them - or the whole list - into an xcel sheet so I can manipulate and sort the data and work on contacting these folks and securing all data points?
2) how were we previous folks able to get past that screen in the registration process without an email? For me it is one of the "green" fields
3) if it is a mandatory field, how do y'all work around people who simply don't have emails? Yes, we have some of those around here.
thanks for the help, Y'all.
1) When i pull up the tenant list and sort by email, so that all of them are grouped together, is there any way to export them - or the whole list - into an xcel sheet so I can manipulate and sort the data and work on contacting these folks and securing all data points?
2) how were we previous folks able to get past that screen in the registration process without an email? For me it is one of the "green" fields
3) if it is a mandatory field, how do y'all work around people who simply don't have emails? Yes, we have some of those around here.
thanks for the help, Y'all.
Orkocean Registered User, Daily Operations Certified, Advanced Operations Certified, Administrator Certified, myHub Certified ✭✭✭✭✭The previous people could of been put in when that field wasn't a mandatory requirement to be entered as it is now. To get around it when people absolutely refuse to give an email we always use As far as getting you a list the quickest thing I could think of is goto your "tenants" screen, sort by email, click print and then export to excel.2
You should be able to change the requirement in Tenant Defaults. Go to Company-Setup-Tenant Defaults.
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Orkocean said:The previous people could of been put in when that field wasn't a mandatory requirement to be entered as it is now. To get around it when people absolutely refuse to give an email we always use As far as getting you a list the quickest thing I could think of is goto your "tenants" screen, sort by email, click print and then export to excel.JulieA said:You should be able to change the requirement in Tenant Defaults. Go to Company-Setup-Tenant Defaults.
All are correct, hope this worked for you @brownrooster0
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