Sending Invoice
Registered User, Daily Operations Certified, myHub Certified ✭
I need some help. I noticed that when I move a tenant in on SiteLink, I have to go back into Ledger Settings and check the box "Send an Invoice", why does it not automatically do that, if I forget, my tenants will not get an invoice sent to them. How can I change this?
It's in your setup, program defaults. under the tab invoice determine how many days prior to due date. Under Printing & Reports tab, make sure print an invoice has checkbox. I'm pretty sure that's how I got mine to always be checked.1
thanks, i'll try it.0
skinman Registered User, Daily Operations Certified, Advanced Operations Certified, Administrator Certified, myHub Certified ✭✭✭✭✭When you reach the charges page while doing a move in you can set the send an invoice under the billing section of that screen. or are you saying that it isn't there?0
Garrett_Boone SiteLink Tech Support, Daily Operations Certified, Advanced Operations Certified, Administrator Certified SiteLink Tech Support › ✭✭✭Hi @Irene_Pace
New tenants can automatically be set up for invoicing by going to Setup -> Program Defaults -> Move In and selecting "Default to send invoices to new tenants." This will enable invoicing for all new move ins by default.1 -
thank you skinman and Mr. Garrett Boone, for your help. I got it now.0
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