Log In History in MyHub
A few MyHub questions I'm hoping someone out there knows...
Sitelink has a report that details every time the software is accessed; logging Date/time, Username, Computer Name and IP address (Reports -->Log In History).
I was auditing the report, and realized that I didn't see the access from my tablet to MyHub ( MyHub requires access credentials too) Is there a report that will show access to MyHub?
If there isn't a report now, is that something that can or will be integrated with the current reports available?
Finally, not that it's a huge concern, but if there is not a way for owners to track/audit myhub access, is there be a way to disable access on a store by store basis?
teamcapitola Registered User, Daily Operations Certified, Advanced Operations Certified, Administrator Certified, myHub Certified ✭✭✭✭✭
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