How can I print a POS receipt (non tenant) based on the receipt number?
Registered User ✭
I had a POS purchase that was not connected to a tenants unit, and I'd like to go back and print the receipt. I do have the number of that receipt. Thank you in advance for any assistance
Go to Company> Receipts > you can choose your start and stop dates or search the receipt # . Double click and email or print.
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Go to "Company" and then "receipts" under the reprint column. You'll need to select the date range if the receipt wasn't done same day1
Thank you!
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websterb Registered User, Daily Operations Certified, Advanced Operations Certified, Administrator Certified ✭✭✭You can also go to Adjustments, scroll down to Walk in POS and find the receipt in the list.
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DeeL Registered User, Daily Operations Certified, Advanced Operations Certified, Administrator Certified ✭✭In SiteLink, if working or changing something on receipt Click on "Company" and Click on "Receipts" Double Click on the Receipt you are looking for. Add or Change something you want to add or delete and re-print with the new information.
Thank you, JamesStorage0
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