New manager, Marketing help
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I recently was promoted to Facility manager from assistant manager here at my facility in Texas. I feel as if I was never properly trained in the marketing department but they expect me to do it as if I am an expert. We are needing rentals and I am wondering if anyone could give me any tips and tricks in the marketing aspect of the job.
Thank you!
Thank you!
ESS Registered User, Daily Operations Certified, Advanced Operations Certified, Administrator Certified, myHub Certified ✭✭✭✭✭Hello and congrats on the promotion! You could try going to other businesses and dropping off coozies, pens, & business cards you guys have. Anything with your business name and number on it. You could create an online flyer to email the apartment complex managers, schools, realtors, etc. in your area. If they will let you do promotions, take the units you have the most of and offer deals on them, such as pay 3 months, get 3 months free then regular rate applies. I am in Texas as well, Alvin area...may I ask what area you are in?4
ESS Registered User, Daily Operations Certified, Advanced Operations Certified, Administrator Certified, myHub Certified ✭✭✭✭✭.1
ESS Registered User, Daily Operations Certified, Advanced Operations Certified, Administrator Certified, myHub Certified ✭✭✭✭✭.1
ESS said:Hello and congrats on the promotion! You could try going to other businesses and dropping off coozies, pens, & business cards you guys have. Anything with your business name and number on it. You could create an online flyer to email the apartment complex managers, schools, realtors, etc. in your area. If they will let you do promotions, take the units you have the most of and offer deals on them, such as pay 3 months, get 3 months free then regular rate applies. I am in Texas as well, Alvin area...may I ask what area you are in?2
Orkocean Registered User, Daily Operations Certified, Advanced Operations Certified, Administrator Certified, myHub Certified ✭✭✭✭✭All forms of online free marketing should be used, especially if the prior manager was not doing any. Facebook groups, craigslist, make sure your google listing is claimed and updated with proper pictures etc.. Go around and introduce yourself to the local businesses and try to build relationships to refer business, even other storage facilities. If you're part of a bigger company and not a one off ownership they SHOULD already have a marketing department handling your website and general online advertising so the grassroots is where you would need to focus. If you have a refer-a-friend program make sure every customer you talk to knows about it, and if you don't have one make it a suggestion.5
teamcapitola Registered User, Daily Operations Certified, Advanced Operations Certified, Administrator Certified, myHub Certified ✭✭✭✭✭
EVERYTHING @Orkocean said....
Also contact every moving company in your area; introduce yourself and your company.
We get a ton of referrals from local movers.
We also get quite a few from real estate/property managers, but that can be a double edged sword; I've had real estate agents dump evicted tenants into a storage unit (after a house sells & they bribe the tenants to leave peacefully) which usually ends in emotional heartache and Auctions
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Congratulations on your promotion! So exciting, I am a Marketing Manager, I'd love to chat and see how I can help in terms of trips for you to be successful in your new role! Let me know0
Do you have feather flag banners outside? Your own webpage? A referral ($40/50/100) bonus to current customers? A good incentive move in bonus month(s) for new tenants? Real estate offices are great as most of our customers are selling one house and next one is not ready yet or apartment complexes where they don't have room to store their holiday decor. You want to aim for higher end tenants as opposed to low end/past due/lien sale tenants.1
if you have a college nearby it is a great idea to advertise there. During the summer they normally go back to their state and store their stuff so they don't have to move across country with it1
we do the refer a friend. We have had a lot of people ask about it and sign up for it. We were about 50% full now we are hitting at about 90%.
Colton Nash, Manager at Ideal Self Storage Ennis Texas1 -
we do the refer a friend also, Each customers gets a $20.00 credit towards the next full months rent. If you refer 6 people in theory you could have a $20.00 cheaper rent for 6 months.
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We have a chain link fence that we put sayings on, we use the plastic snap in cups in different colors.
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i think Its a great opportunity for you to increase your learning...I share knowledge about Self storage solutions
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