Automatic Online AVS?? Anyone else running into this problem?
Our storage facility brand new and completely virtual. Tenants sign up and pay using our website. The website then sends the information over to site link which automatically assigns them gate access and processes the first payment.
The issue we have found is that the first transition is not AVS verified and therefor is charging us a higher percentage.
We can however manually verify the address for consecutive payments after the first payment is made and the information is in site link.
What solution is there to automatically verifying the address and locking in the lower rate when a tenant signs up and pays online?
Thank you for any information
i43storage Registered User, Daily Operations Certified, Advanced Operations Certified, Administrator Certified, myHub Certified ✭✭✭✭✭Even when I verify the AVS at move-in I need to go back and manually verify it. Very annoying.Jean Marie
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