RV parking space, Vehicle in Lien

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Hi, I have a vehicle in lien status in my RV space. According to my operations manual I have to check with the DMV to see if there are any lien holders before I sell it at auction, however I want to know if I also have the option of just having it towed and let the owner deal with the tow yard for impound.
I am in California, and unfortunately the lease has language for Nevada since the company has locations in Nevada (they forgot about us here in California).
I am in California, and unfortunately the lease has language for Nevada since the company has locations in Nevada (they forgot about us here in California).
Orkocean Registered User, Daily Operations Certified, Advanced Operations Certified, Administrator Certified, myHub Certified ✭✭✭✭✭Depending on what all your lease has that's geared towards Nevada you might not even have a binding lease at all. To the best of my knowledge as i've never had to deal with it yet you DO have the option of having it towed here in California.1
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