Promotion Problems on Kiosk
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Good Morning,
I was wondering if anyone has ever run into a problem with their Kiosk machine uploading wrong promotions. For example I used Sitelink to write a $1 Move in Special on my 10x15 sized units, but when the promotion was picked up by my Kiosk several hours later the promotion was applied to every sized unit! I know I wrote the promotion correctly, and I assigned it specifically to the 10x15 sized unit. I called Opentech customer support for Kiosk and they said they didn't know how to really correct the problem. Any help or tips with this problem would be really appreciated, thank you.
I was wondering if anyone has ever run into a problem with their Kiosk machine uploading wrong promotions. For example I used Sitelink to write a $1 Move in Special on my 10x15 sized units, but when the promotion was picked up by my Kiosk several hours later the promotion was applied to every sized unit! I know I wrote the promotion correctly, and I assigned it specifically to the 10x15 sized unit. I called Opentech customer support for Kiosk and they said they didn't know how to really correct the problem. Any help or tips with this problem would be really appreciated, thank you.
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