E-sign 'Draw' on Tablets
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Hi Guys. I'm relatively new to Sitelink but especially new to the forum. I was hired as the Relief Manager in December 2019 when the facility build was officially completed.
My question is about the signature options on E-sign. We use E-sign for documents on a tablet that tenant's then use a stylus to sign. However, when the signature box is selected they have to then select 'draw' to sign, everyone always sits there trying to sign and doesn't immediately understand what I mean by 'make sure to press draw.'
My question being, is there a way to have it AUTOMATICALLY go to draw after selecting the signature box? Or can it only start on the keyboard option?
My question is about the signature options on E-sign. We use E-sign for documents on a tablet that tenant's then use a stylus to sign. However, when the signature box is selected they have to then select 'draw' to sign, everyone always sits there trying to sign and doesn't immediately understand what I mean by 'make sure to press draw.'
My question being, is there a way to have it AUTOMATICALLY go to draw after selecting the signature box? Or can it only start on the keyboard option?
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