What Are Your Thoughts on Alternative Tablets for SiteLink eSign?
Registered User ✭✭✭
iPads are fairly expensive. Are there other tablets that you've had success with?
Olivia_Austin SiteLink Employee, Daily Operations Certified, Advanced Operations Certified, Administrator CertifiedAny tablet will work, that is the beauty of Esign it is flexible, you are not tied to a certain product.1
Chuck_Vion SiteLink Employee, Daily Operations Certified, Advanced Operations Certified, Administrator Certified, myHub Certified marketplace moderatorWhile any tablet or smartphone will work with SiteLink eSign™ since it is browser-based, internet speed and hardware can affect performance. There is a good SiteLink myHub FAQ that addresses this question in more detail https://storageforum.sitelink.com/discussion/439/is-there-a-preferred-tablet-that-works-best-with-myhub-sitelink-myhub-faqChuck Vion
FineView Marketing | Chief Marketing Officer3 -
Agree with what Chuck said. We have had zero issues with the Lenovo tab 2. It has been more of a problem with internet service providers to get the speed we need for everything to sync properly. Fiber is the way to go if it is accessible.
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Climateguard Registered User, Daily Operations Certified, Advanced Operations Certified, Administrator Certified ✭✭✭Just purchased a Fire tablet a few months ago, it works great and is not too expensive.
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I'd say get the topaz backlit signature pad. They have them refurbished on amazon for only $750
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