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We are attempting to start e-sign as a touch-less way to get contracts signed, can anyone share their process? We are running into margins being off when we print the agreement, also if anyone is willing to share their rental agreement format, as well as rental application format that would be super fantastic! I'm getting ready to watch some you tube videos on the process but as always I trust you guys the most!
themage Registered User, Daily Operations Certified, Advanced Operations Certified, Administrator Certified, myHub Certified ✭✭✭✭✭We were lucky, I think. We were using photocopies of a typewritten lease (with sections whited out and over-typed as laws changed) until a few years ago. I think we ended up typing the agreement and all the additional forms in Word and then saving them as RTF or HTML (depending on the form) and importing them into Sitelink.
When we copied our print lease and added the e-sign boxes (a few weeks ago), it only took a little tweaking to make it usable. I cant say we have had problems with margins, but we did add page breaks to make the different sections more obvious and print more neatly. I would also recommend using TABs instead of spaces to line things up.2 -
i43storage Registered User, Daily Operations Certified, Advanced Operations Certified, Administrator Certified, myHub Certified ✭✭✭✭✭Yes, as @themage said, write in all in Word first then copy it into Sitelink as a new form. Then you can add the esign where you need it. What exactly do you mean by rental agreement and rental application format?Jean Marie
I-43 Storage0 -
i43storage said:Yes, as @themage said, write in all in Word first then copy it into Sitelink as a new form. Then you can add the esign where you need it. What exactly do you mean by rental agreement and rental application format?
Our application is fillable only if the person on the other end has PDF or Adobe, my developer has created a way to apply for a unit on our website to make it easy for the customer.
the format is just a little wonky.0 -
themage said:We were lucky, I think. We were using photocopies of a typewritten lease (with sections whited out and over-typed as laws changed) until a few years ago. I think we ended up typing the agreement and all the additional forms in Word and then saving them as RTF or HTML (depending on the form) and importing them into Sitelink.
When we copied our print lease and added the e-sign boxes (a few weeks ago), it only took a little tweaking to make it usable. I cant say we have had problems with margins, but we did add page breaks to make the different sections more obvious and print more neatly. I would also recommend using TABs instead of spaces to line things up.
Did you add keywords to populate the document?
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themage Registered User, Daily Operations Certified, Advanced Operations Certified, Administrator Certified, myHub Certified ✭✭✭✭✭We do have keywords for tenant info, unit info, rent, due date, etc. Once the formatting was ironed out, it works well.0
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