Is there a way to reprint a refund receipt?
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I have a tenant that rented a 3rd unit (our largest size) to consolidate his belongings into one large unit instead of paying for 3 units. We do pro-rate our move outs. I applied the pro-rated balance to his new unit but did not print the refund receipt. The customer asked for a copy of the receipt. I've tried about everything I could think of, the only thing I could come up with was to show him it was applied by printing out the ledger for him. Does anyone know if there is a way to reprint a refund receipt instead of the ledger, as the ledger is confusing to some of our tenants.
GM_SJ_BSS said:I have a tenant that rented a 3rd unit (our largest size) to consolidate his belongings into one large unit instead of paying for 3 units. We do pro-rate our move outs. I applied the pro-rated balance to his new unit but did not print the refund receipt. The customer asked for a copy of the receipt. I've tried about everything I could think of, the only thing I could come up with was to show him it was applied by printing out the ledger for him. Does anyone know if there is a way to reprint a refund receipt instead of the ledger, as the ledger is confusing to some of our tenants.1
Faye -- Oh my goodness, I should of known this, I did that this morning but I went into the letters looking for a Refund letter instead of going into his receipts and printing that way. Apparently I had a brain freeze this morning lol...Must be because its TGIF.... Thank you bunches Faye...0
GM_SJ_BSS said:Faye -- Oh my goodness, I should of known this, I did that this morning but I went into the letters looking for a Refund letter instead of going into his receipts and printing that way. Apparently I had a brain freeze this morning lol...Must be because its TGIF.... Thank you bunches Faye...0
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