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If a tenant signed a paper lease (3 years ago before we got into the online stuff the last couple months) but wants to sign up for online payments how do we get Sitelink to recognize they already have signed an agreement?
MamaDuke7 Registered User, Daily Operations Certified, Advanced Operations Certified, Administrator Certified, myHub Certified ✭✭✭✭✭One should have nothing to do with the other.
I have customers that have been here 13 years. We implemented online rentals this year. But those that have been here 13 years just need to go online and create an account and they have access.
If you're having this issue, I think you're going to require Sitelink Tech Support.1 -
If you have their email address-enter the web password in the Address screen. We always use the gatecode or last 4 of phone. Give them the passcode and they can pay on your website.
2 -
JulieAton THANK YOU!!!! I have been struggling with this for months! You saved me!0
We recently updated our lease to reflect new state laws concerning storage and other terms of rental. We ended up sending new online leases to ALL customers. It was time consuming but it got all customers up to date and all leases stored online.0
helenatim said:We recently updated our lease to reflect new state laws concerning storage and other terms of rental. We ended up sending new online leases to ALL customers. It was time consuming but it got all customers up to date and all leases stored online.0
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