No waiting List?
Registered User ✭✭✭
As many other boat/rv facilities we are 100% occupied.
Instead of showing a blank reservation screen I'm wanting it to show 'waiting list'.. of course that is not offered so I've opted into using the legacy reservation screen. That at least shows our unit types, and prices.. and says "No" for availability. BUT that is only for the desktop version. The mobile version does not show the availability column. This causes great confusion as most customers use their mobile devices and think they are reserving an available unit.
Is anyone else running into this or is it just me? Really wanting to move away from Sitelink as they are now requiring us to use their merchant services as well. You'd think as great management software they'd provide the latest and greatest.
Instead of showing a blank reservation screen I'm wanting it to show 'waiting list'.. of course that is not offered so I've opted into using the legacy reservation screen. That at least shows our unit types, and prices.. and says "No" for availability. BUT that is only for the desktop version. The mobile version does not show the availability column. This causes great confusion as most customers use their mobile devices and think they are reserving an available unit.
Is anyone else running into this or is it just me? Really wanting to move away from Sitelink as they are now requiring us to use their merchant services as well. You'd think as great management software they'd provide the latest and greatest.
I too would love a waiting list. My company is not being forced to use their merchant services, we use a different Card Company, I wish we could go back to Sitelink's card services, it was so easy to process a refund but apparently the fees are too high.0
ACorona Registered User, Daily Operations Certified, Advanced Operations Certified, myHub Certified ✭✭✭.Alyssa Corona
www.rentess.com0 -
Why not add a new reservation in the Lead to Lease area? That's how we are maintaining a make-shift waiting list. Modify the Expires date under Schedule to keep them in the list for however long you want2
Hello, just wanted to let everyone know that I've passed this feature request along to our product team. Thank you for your feedback!1
i43storage Registered User, Daily Operations Certified, Advanced Operations Certified, Administrator Certified, myHub Certified ✭✭✭✭✭storable_support said:Hello, just wanted to let everyone know that I've passed this feature request along to our product team. Thank you for your feedback!Jean Marie
I-43 Storage2 -
I just write mine on a piece of paper. It is very easy to use!1
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