Credit card declined
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I had a customer who tried to make a payment over phone and with me but the result was fail and the reason says the information is not up to date and to refresh. I did and same result so he tried a different card that one says its invalid. He got mad and i told him i would check into it. I just dont know what the refresh message was all about. He confirmed his personal information.
MamaDuke7 Registered User, Daily Operations Certified, Advanced Operations Certified, Administrator Certified, myHub Certified ✭✭✭✭✭He was likely logged into his account at the same time as you were trying to process his payment. When you get that message, you have to close the payment screen. Go to Tools: Refresh Data. Then go back to the payment screen and process the payment.
It happens every now and then. I actually had it today and the customer said "Oh, yeah. I'm in the account." So I had him log out, I refreshed, and the payment processed fine.0 -
Hi, @lmcav1116. There are various reasons this error can occur. The biggest could be a local data issue. We recommend closing SiteLink, double-clicking SiteLink but do not log in. Then, click Maintenance and click Reset Local Database. Then, log back in SiteLink and attempt the payment again. If that does not resolve the issue, please contact Support at 919-865-0789, Option 2.0
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