Price increase for current tenants
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I increased by $5 all units on Oct. 1st through the modify units button. It automatically set the start date for Oct. 2. As of Oct.2 the tenant rate and the standard rate reflected the increase but the amount due still had the old rate.
Best Answer
Increasing the standard rate through modify units will not increase your current tenants. You will need to schedule rate increases for tenants through the price optimizer. In company at the right bottom you will see edit rent. This will give you a sortable list (how many days at current, etc.)
When you do rate increases, (we give 30 day notice) anything already invoiced will not be changed, nor will it retro any pre-payments.0
AnitaJohnson1269 said:Increasing the standard rate through modify units will not increase your current tenants. You will need to schedule rate increases for tenants through the price optimizer. In company at the right bottom you will see edit rent. This will give you a sortable list (how many days at current, etc.)
When you do rate increases, (we give 30 day notice) anything already invoiced will not be changed, nor will it retro any pre-payments.
Thanks again, @A@AnitaJohnson1269 -- this is the correct answer, @Rockypass.0 -
AnitaJohnson1269 said:When you do rate increases, (we give 30 day notice) anything already invoiced will not be changed, nor will it retro any pre-payments.
I think by law you can't give anything less tan 30 days notice.1
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