Reservation in Lead to Lease for existing tenant
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Think I have posted about this issue before or contacted support about it. I was trying to reserve a unit for a current tenant that has multiple units. Her name doesn't pull up in search. I emailed support. While waiting for reply I did some tests and in Lead to Lease I can add a Lead or Reservation for current tenants with only one unit. But not for tenants with multiple units. I emailed support back with what my test discovered.
Response from Support " I checked into this and it looks like you got it resolved. I'm going to close out this case." I responded that it wasn't resolved.
Response 2 from Support "Lead to lease is for new leads, however, in the lower right corner you
can click add to add for a new reservation on an existing tenant.
Unfortunately, you will need to reenter all their information."
Aren't requests from existing tenants new leads? And if I reenter all the information it won't link units.
Anyone else experience this?
I tested several tenants with multiple units with no issue. I have found occasionally I will have to put first AND last name in the search field for them to pull up in the list.1
AnitaJohnson1269 said:I tested several tenants with multiple units with no issue. I have found occasionally I will have to put first AND last name in the search field for them to pull up in the list.I probably should have said the tenant pulls up from the search but is color coded "orange" for past tenant. But has an X in the box for current.0
Hi, @JulieAton. We're so sorry about this and understand your frustration. We've escalated this and will have someone contact you directly to ensure proper resolution. ~Amy C.0
I hope the answers are posted here @storable_support. I had this same issue and followed this thread with no resolution to my problem. Customer does Not have multiple units and I did put his full name and it still only brings up an orange and a blue line with his information. So am I to go by the orange line with the X in it to link his new reservation to his current account? Where is the line in Black that usually designates Current Customer?1
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