How do I remove the expired credit cards notice from my reminders list?

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Expired credit cards is on my reminders list for over a month, they get whittled down as people update, but it is a useless tool to have sitting on the list, I would rather print it out as a report and not have to see it daily on my screen. Does anyone know how to get it off my list? My OCD requires a clean task list and this is not conducive to my sobriety!

ESS Registered User, Daily Operations Certified, Advanced Operations Certified, Administrator Certified, myHub Certified ✭✭✭✭✭Remove those tenants from autopay if their cards have already expired. When they call to update the expiration date, place them back on autopay. I like to keep mine cleared out too.7
Hi, @sonyawiprud. @ESSis correct. If the tenant does not update their card in a timely manner, we recommend you remove them from auto-billing. There is no way to turn off the expired credit card event at this time.1
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