how do you make it so that a refund receipt does not print on move out
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We move tenants out but do not issue refunds at move out to make sure everything is correct. The system automatically asks if you want to email a refund receipt at the end of the move out process - this creates issues as customers think the refund has been issued when it hasn't. Is there are way to disable the email request?
ESS Registered User, Daily Operations Certified, Advanced Operations Certified, Administrator Certified, myHub Certified ✭✭✭✭✭I just hit Cancel instead of OK or send, whatever the option is1
MamaDuke7 Registered User, Daily Operations Certified, Advanced Operations Certified, Administrator Certified, myHub Certified ✭✭✭✭✭You either have it set to ask to email ALL receipts or NO receipts. So just say no when it asks about that at move out.6
I have asked my office manager to say no to that receipt multiple times but she continues to send them out - I need to have it not ask until we actually do the refund.0
ESS Registered User, Daily Operations Certified, Advanced Operations Certified, Administrator Certified, myHub Certified ✭✭✭✭✭cgothard said:I have asked my office manager to say no to that receipt multiple times but she continues to send them out - I need to have it not ask until we actually do the refund.0
you don't need to be rude!0
cgothard Do you pro rate all move outs? If so, unfortunately, whoever moves the tenant out, and selects pro rate, the software will see the refund and will automatically prompt to email receipt. Not sure how much access you have to corporate controls, but as for my assistant, he may sometimes get confused on a prorate, I will have him just move the tenant out without prorating, then I go in the next day and I back date to the day tenant move out and pro rate them out. At our facility, we only pro rate tenants that put a card on file, that way refunds are issued right away and do not pop up under reminders. If they are not comfortable with putting a card on file (I have tons of tenants that refuse to keep a card on file), I explain they will not be prorated out as it states in our agreement, that move outs are not prorated.
We do it as a courtesy not as our policy1 -
we do not pro rate move outs all the time - it will ask to send a refund receipt even if there is just the deposit refund on their account, we mark the option to leave the refund on the account so it should not be thinking that we did a refund.0
cgothard, marking it as 'leave refund on the account', the software sees it is still as a refund, just an unprocessed refund so it will prompt to send receipt....ugh. If you have owner access to corporate sitelink, you may be able to go in under 'Email' and remove the Refund Receipt from the default list. Not positive as I only have administrative access so the delete button is greyed out, I'm thinking perhaps with 'owner' security level it may allow it to be deleted. Or you could edit her/his security level under SetUp, then click security levels and go under the 'operations' remove him/her from preforming 'move outs', or under the 'other' tab and unclick 'allow paying refunds', maybe one of those might help.....You would just have to make her/him keep a list or something and you would have to back date the move outs yourself...or I guess your going to have to keep training that manager to stop sending those darn receipts....stick 'post it' notes on computer saying - NO EMAILING REFUND RECEIPTS...hopefully she/he will catch on and follow instructions.1
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