Credit Card Fees

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Our owner is wanting us to look into charging customers a fee for using their credit/debit card for payments and trying to get more customers to pay via ACH. Has anyone experienced this or implemented this at their facilities? If so, how do you accomplish this and has there been any pushback from tenants?
MamaDuke7 Registered User, Daily Operations Certified, Advanced Operations Certified, Administrator Certified, myHub Certified ✭✭✭✭✭At my last facility, we charged $1 for credit card transactions unless it was autopay or an online payment. It's a hassle, because the only way to do it is to go in and manually add the CC charge for each and every transaction as you process it.
There were very few complaints, as most understood they had other payment options that didn't cost them $1!0 -
That was what I was afraid of, having to manually add the charge. It's a royal pain honestly. Thank you for your response!1
It is actually illegal to charge a card processing fee in some states. (check your state) The only thing merchants can do is require a minimum ($10 or less) purchase for cards.0
Add an extra couple $$ to the rates, then you are covered, that's what we do.1
teamcapitola Registered User, Daily Operations Certified, Advanced Operations Certified, Administrator Certified, myHub Certified ✭✭✭✭✭Possibly offer a "cash discount" rather than a processing fee? but that would also add complexity to your workflow.
My solution for this would just be to bundle in some extra $$ on some rate increases to balance out the processing costs. Also upping incoming rental rates by a dollar or two shouldn't cause too much issue.
Just figure out what your store pays in fees each month, who pays using C/C (if you can get the reports to work!)1
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