Possible issues with Storable's new website conversions from StorEdge
Registered User, Daily Operations Certified, Advanced Operations Certified, Administrator Certified, myHub Certified ✭✭✭✭✭
First item is just venting, I guess...
With the new website design, I can't show available units without giving viewers the option to reserve and / or rent the unit from the web page. We still prefer potential tenants to call us. Further, if I set it to allow rentals but not reservations, it still places a placeholder reservation that stays in our system (for a few days) if the potential tenant backs out of signing the lease online.
The next item seems to be more of a real problem. It seems that any tenant with a voided lease cant make payments online. The website informs them that they haven't signed their lease, even if they have a signed lease that supersedes the voided one.
I don't have a large enough sample size to verify that this is the cause, but for now it seems that way.
IS anyone else having issues with the updated websites?
With the new website design, I can't show available units without giving viewers the option to reserve and / or rent the unit from the web page. We still prefer potential tenants to call us. Further, if I set it to allow rentals but not reservations, it still places a placeholder reservation that stays in our system (for a few days) if the potential tenant backs out of signing the lease online.
The next item seems to be more of a real problem. It seems that any tenant with a voided lease cant make payments online. The website informs them that they haven't signed their lease, even if they have a signed lease that supersedes the voided one.
I don't have a large enough sample size to verify that this is the cause, but for now it seems that way.
IS anyone else having issues with the updated websites?
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