Rate Increase set before tenant discount.
Registered User ✭✭✭
We are just discovering if a tenant qualifies for a discount in the month leading up to a rate increase, it does not calculate the discount when the rate increase begins. What can we do to catch this in advance? In other words, a tenant receives a rate increase letter that their rent is going up in June, they call me in May and tell me they are a senior, I set them up for recurring senior discount to begin this billing cycle (May) then the June due date hits and they no longer have the discount, just the rate that was set up in April.
ESS Registered User, Daily Operations Certified, Advanced Operations Certified, Administrator Certified, myHub Certified ✭✭✭✭✭When we did rate increases it was only 5% and we had also increased out street rates. When I did the calculations, the new street rate plus their 10% discount, came out to what the system configured (about .50 more) when we just let the 5% tenant increase run on it's own off of their old rate.
If you want to manually figure it out, you would take their rent amount without the discount, add the rate increase percentage, then apply their discount again.
I hope this made sense lol, it's still early here
(some of it didn't so I edited it)1 -
MamaDuke7 Registered User, Daily Operations Certified, Advanced Operations Certified, Administrator Certified, myHub Certified ✭✭✭✭✭My rate increases are based on the current amount. So if they have a discount, the increase is on the discounted amount, so still a discount in the end.
But if your rate increase was scheduled before you added the discount recently, then you can go in the account, add a month of rent (main screen center check box) then go into edit charges and payments, click on the new rent, and add the discount at the bottom left from the drop down menu. That should take care of it moving forward without having to remember next month.2 -
MamaDuke7 said:My rate increases are based on the current amount. So if they have a discount, the increase is on the discounted amount, so still a discount in the end.
But if your rate increase was scheduled before you added the discount recently, then you can go in the account, add a month of rent (main screen center check box) then go into edit charges and payments, click on the new rent, and add the discount at the bottom left from the drop down menu. That should take care of it moving forward without having to remember next month.0
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