CA Auctions
Registered User ✭
in California
When units go to auction and the bidders decide that they no longer want to come pick up the unit for whatever reason. My understanding is that we have to run another ad in the newspaper and set a new auction date. Can we still charge the tenant the rent money for the new month coming up?
MamaDuke7 Registered User, Daily Operations Certified, Advanced Operations Certified, Administrator Certified, myHub Certified ✭✭✭✭✭Nope. Once it's sold at auction and not picked up, you can do whatever you want with it. The auction has been satisfied, and you can't add to what the tenant owes. But you also don't have to re-advertise. If you auctioned online, ask for the backup bidder. If there isn't one, or it was an on-site auction, just sell it again, or offer a hauler to clear it out and do what they want with the contents. I've put them up on craigslist before and had several people jump on the offer!1
Ok thank you. That answers my question. Looks like I need to attend some seminars since it's been a while. Laws are always changing.1
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