I started gardening a few weeks ago (for the first time!)
Click here for Part 1
Click here for Part 2
Part Three:
O.B is still chewing on the fern. She loves it on my balcony because she can watch the birds and spend time trying to stare down my next door neighbor's dog (he likes to hang out on his balcony, too), so I don't have the heart to keep her away.
O.B caught in the act of eating my fern:
My Gardening Attempt: Part 3

Registered User ✭✭✭

I noticed that she hasn't eaten as much food since I started gardening. I guess she's filling up on salad. (Joke courtesy of my sister).
My petunias died. It's probably from a combination of too much water and too little dirt. The flowers in the tier below them are doing okay, but not thriving.
Dead/dying petunias:

The flowers in my other pots are doing really well! They petals are opening up and the stems and green and springy. I stepped out onto my balcony this morning and was so happy that they looked healthy and alive.
Aren't they beautiful?
My petunias died. It's probably from a combination of too much water and too little dirt. The flowers in the tier below them are doing okay, but not thriving.
Dead/dying petunias:

The flowers in my other pots are doing really well! They petals are opening up and the stems and green and springy. I stepped out onto my balcony this morning and was so happy that they looked healthy and alive.
Aren't they beautiful?

Does anyone know if the petunias can be salvaged? Or should I just give them to O.B and let her get some more greens in her diet?
I love gardening! The first thing I learned when I started gardening here was that hydrangeas will DIE in full sun
I was so excited to plant a hydrangea and July quickly killed it
I have learned my lesson.
1 -
Re the petunias, sadly I think they are toast...
Your photo of the white flowers is beautiful! What's the name of those? I know I've seen them before.1 -
The planters are beautiful!1
blakekhall Registered User, Daily Operations Certified, Advanced Operations Certified, Administrator Certified ✭✭✭I love gardening as well and this weekend a severe storm came thru our area and NAILED my flower pots in from of our store...bummer!-2
I am so good at outdoor plants but when it comes to indoor ones I always kill them!! WHY? I'm busy when I'm in my office but outside I stop to smell the roses I guess.1
Gardening was a way in which I grieved over a loss of a friend back in 2008. BTW lovtotrvl... I enjoyed your post!4
Bryan, your garden is my goal garden)))) so fabulous!
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