How do I create an Auction? [Sellers] [FAQ]

StorageAuctions-com Moderator ✭
How do I create an Auction?
The prerequisits to creating an auction are:
- Register an account
- Activate your account
- Add a Location This is where the auction items are located. You can manage multiple locations
- Optional - Add a manager: If each location has its's own manager, they can be added to each location and given access to your Storage auctions account based on their locations.
- Add a payment method - If you have already purchased a membership plan, this step is complete. If you are using the system as a default free user, you will have to add your credit card before your are able to launch an auction. You will not be charged to launch an auction, only if you have to cancel a unit. The default cancelation fee is $20.00/unit.
The steps involved in this process are really simple once your account is set up. All you need to do is:
- Go to the Auctions Tab
- Click Add an Auction Event
- Fill out the Add an Auction event form If you have skipped a prerequisit step you will not be able to add an auction until that step is completed.
- (Save) or Launch - An auction can be saved as a draft if you need to pause and come back to adding the auction event or if you want to load all the required information in and have another manager/account owner approve the auction event before laucnhing.
- Save or (Launch) - Lauching an auction makes it a live event. If you have selected a start date in the future the event will automatically launch once the start date arrives. If you select to launch it now, your listings will be immediately visible in the listing directory. Once listed, cancellation fees apply for units that have been canceled.
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