Entering new inquiry for unit type
Registered User ✭
Most of our inquiries are interested in a specific unit type (RV, exterior, etc) and/or size (10x10, etc). Yet when we enter an Inquiry in SL Web Edition, it always assigns a specific unit number to the inquiry, even when there are no vacancies at this time. Thus, we only get a reminder for an inquiry when the assigned unit number vacates. To compensate for this we manually check the Inquiry list against the Vacancy report after each walk through.
Our earlier software package allowed us to specify just unit sizes for an inquiry. When any unit of the specified size vacated, we would get a reminder. Can this be done with SL Web Edition?
Our earlier software package allowed us to specify just unit sizes for an inquiry. When any unit of the specified size vacated, we would get a reminder. Can this be done with SL Web Edition?
I always thought this was the biggest downfall when entering an inquiry, it's very tedious and creates a lot of extra work. I would love this feature.2
sierratim said:Our earlier software package allowed us to specify just unit sizes for an inquiry. When any unit of the specified size vacated, we would get a reminder. Can this be done with SL Web Edition?
This would be a nice feature. We use the follow up date to remind us to check or if there's a move out of a that particular size then we reserve it for the person and once the current tenant is moved out - it notifies you that the unit is ready for the new tenant.0 -
@sierratim, @JiffySS, @PhilR, thanks for posting this. I checked with tech support, this particular feature is being redesigned and will be added into myHub Inquiry and Reservations.4
LSAirport Registered User, Daily Operations Certified, Advanced Operations Certified, Administrator Certified ✭✭Just MyHub or also to the Web Edition????0
MDavis Registered User, Daily Operations Certified, Advanced Operations Certified, Administrator Certified ✭✭I would agree this would be a nice addition!
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I am also in agreement, that this would be a great feature.1
When you are placing a Lead to possible Lease you have to go to the unit category that the inquirer is requesting. How can the Lead to Lease put a occupied unit on hold? It makes no sense!0
MDavis Registered User, Daily Operations Certified, Advanced Operations Certified, Administrator Certified ✭✭@ThriftyStorage I have customers that want to move-in to a unit if it ever opens based on the location, etc. Lead to lease will let me select that unit so when it does come up, I'm notified.
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LSAirport said:Just MyHub or also to the Web Edition????1
ThriftyStorage said:When you are placing a Lead to possible Lease you have to go to the unit category that the inquirer is requesting. How can the Lead to Lease put a occupied unit on hold? It makes no sense!
Once the original tenant has moved out, it comes up with a message that the unit is now available for the new tenant. It's not perfect but it does the trick.1 -
I'm glad that I'm not the only one that thinks it would be better if a lead wouldn't have to be assigned to a particular unit instead of just the size. 99% of leads don't care about a particular unit, they care about when a unit of the size comes available. I was on the recent 'lead to lease' webinar and I was hoping James would have shown that it was possible. No such luck. Hopefully someone from SL is reading these comments and gets the message.1 -
The whole Lead to Lease module is confusing and tedious. My previous software had a Waiting List feature that worked much better.
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MamaDuke7 Registered User, Daily Operations Certified, Advanced Operations Certified, Administrator Certified, myHub Certified ✭✭✭✭✭We used to be able to just reserve by size, and we could put multiple sizes on the same inquiry. I don't know why they changed it.
We just manually watch based on our notes. It's not a big deal.0
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