Who Chat's Here?

Registered User, Daily Operations Certified ✭✭
I am new to the storage business and have been reading posts but a lot of them are from 2 years ago. Who chats here now?
Welcome to the business!1
@Shawnab8 welcome to the business! and the forum! You should check out the "general discussions" part of the forum, that seems to be where most of us hang out2
Orkocean Registered User, Daily Operations Certified, Advanced Operations Certified, Administrator Certified, myHub Certified ✭✭✭✭✭Welcome! I personally don't check the "sections". Just click on "recent posts" up top and check out what's been posted recently.6
i43storage Registered User, Daily Operations Certified, Advanced Operations Certified, Administrator Certified, myHub Certified ✭✭✭✭✭I'm with @Orkocean - just click on the "Recent Posts" and you'll see any and all categories.Jean Marie
I-43 Storage1 -
Thank you! I love this business so far.0
Just discovered this website with one of the last update. I try to get on once a week to see if anything new is going on. Welcome to our world!0
- All Categories
- 2 What's New
- SiteLink Community Discussions
- 2K SiteLink General Discussions
- 81 SiteLink myHub
- 47 Lead to Lease
- 14 Price Optimization
- 36 SiteLink Certified Professional
- 179 How-To's
- 97 Training Videos
- 7 Other Resources
- 73 SiteLink, SpareFoot & storEDGE merge
- Self-Storage Operations
- 65 Starting Out in Self-Storage
- 3 3rd Party Management
- 222 Regional Discussions
- 190 Miscellaneous Discussions
- 40 Industry Webinars
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- 32 Self-Storage Call Centers & Kiosks
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- 92 Self-Storage Insurance, Legal & Auctions
- 11 Self-Storage Revenue Management & Analytics
- 23 Gates & Access for Self-Storage Facilities
- 7 Ancillary Services for Self-Storage Facilites
- Self-Storage Times
- 62 News
- 30 Opinion
- 145 Lifestyle
Was that you laughing?
Go ahead and LOL a post. Reactions are a fun and easy way to express your feelings!
Go ahead and LOL a post. Reactions are a fun and easy way to express your feelings!