Check Out SiteLink Merchant Services!

Sheryl_Scott SiteLinkMerchantServices Moderator, SiteLink Employee ✭✭
edited April 2017 in SiteLink Merchant Services
SiteLink Merchant Services seamlessly integrates payments in SiteLink. A single-source software and payment processing package is a natural fit. SiteLink OneSupport gives you a single help line for reliable, accountable support. Payment processing integration lets you reduce errors, audit, auto-reconcile and get lower rates. Find out more!


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  • sierratim
    sierratim Registered User
    Does SL Merch Services accept chip cards yet?
  • Sheryl_Scott
    Sheryl_Scott SiteLinkMerchantServices Moderator, SiteLink Employee ✭✭
    SiteLink's in house payment solution for EMV is currently in certification and expected to release soon.  
  • smiffy6four
    smiffy6four Registered User
    Can I process debit cards in Canada with Sitelink?
  • Sheryl_Scott
    Sheryl_Scott SiteLinkMerchantServices Moderator, SiteLink Employee ✭✭
    Yes, you can process interac cards in Canada. If you need help with this, please contact or if you have an existing account
  • Pdmonnot
    Pdmonnot Registered User
    I have a couple of customers who want their pmt taken on the 5th of the month though autopay. if i put the cc number in autopay and put on the 5th day past due date will it automatically take pmt or will i need to do manually. i just want to make sure pmt is not taken before the 5th. would what be the right way to do it
  • Orkocean
    Orkocean Registered User, Daily Operations Certified, Advanced Operations Certified, Administrator Certified, myHub Certified ✭✭✭✭✭
    @Pdmonnot If you are 1st of the month billing you would want them to be ran "4" days past due which would be the 5th, setting 5 days past due would be the 6th but otherwise yes, it would run when you process your autopays on that day
  • lydiadecker351
    lydiadecker351 Registered User
    Before we transitioned to Site Link Merchant Services a company called Global Payments were sending invoices with I believe the PCI compliance charges as well. (Internet Security) Should we still be doing Safety Control Scans thru PCI or does SiteLink already take care of that now that we are Processing thru them?? 
  • storable_support
    storable_support Registered User, Registered Moderator, Community Manager ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited December 2020
    Hi @lydiadecker351. Thanks for your question! PCI compliance is required by any company that processors credit cards. Companies should complete their scans and continue to do so on a quarterly basis -- or in case of failure, a monthly basis. SiteLink Merchant Services partners with Clover Security, which you can use to certify your PCI compliance status. If you have any questions about this, I would encourage you to reach out to Merchant Support for additional assistance at 919-865-0789 - Option 4 and then, Option 1.
  • lydiadecker351
    lydiadecker351 Registered User
    Thank You! I will certainly look into this. I want to make sure that we are getting a competitive rate with our current company. Clover Security may gain another customer.  ;)
  • storable_support
    storable_support Registered User, Registered Moderator, Community Manager ✭✭✭✭✭
    So glad we could help you out, @lydiadecker351! Let us know if we can ever be of further assistance. :)
  • ReeseH
    ReeseH Registered User
    I often run cards that get rejected for whatever reason, and every time that happens the card was a debit card. The thing is that sometimes debit cards work and sometimes they don't. There's no consistency. I run them as credit cards since debit transactions require the authorization code (for offline transactions only), which I don't have. It's quite frustrating when I've got the tenant here trying to pay. Am I missing something here? 
  • storable_support
    storable_support Registered User, Registered Moderator, Community Manager ✭✭✭✭✭
    Hi, @ReeseH. Thanks for this question! I asked our Support Team and this is what they said: US debit cards are correctly run as credit cards. The "Debit Card" option is provided primarily for Canada as their debit card system is different than the US's VISA/MC debit cards. There are no specific or different steps required to run a bank-issued debit card that has the VISA or MC logo. There is also no expectation that they would fail/decline more often than a "real" credit card. If your tenants are experiencing issues, you should encourage them to reach out to their bank as they may be declining the transaction for a reason. Hope this info helps you! ~Amy C.
  • AdditionalAttic
    AdditionalAttic Registered User ✭✭✭
    edited May 2021
    SiteLink's in house payment solution for EMV is currently in certification and expected to release soon.  
    So....this was posted in May 2017..... I have repeatedly asked when we would be able to accept chip cards. If it was "expected to release soon" in 2017, why have we still not seen it???
  • Connie7092
    Connie7092 Registered User
    I am trying to find out if it is possible to use a counter credit card terminal for tenants with SiteLink Merchant Services ?   


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